3rd-angle is an open research initiative mobilizing professionals, artists, and researchers to collaborate on social and environmental innovation projects to benefit the arts sector.

We build creative solutions to challenges in arts management, and offer professional coaching services to help people and organizations in the arts lead and inspire change.


Stephanie Nadeau, MFA, MBA

Coach, Consultant, Co-conspirator

Stephanie (she/her) is an arts professional with 14 years of experience in leading teams and designing strategic initiatives for nonprofit arts organizations. Recognized for her ability to deliver mission-aligned social purpose outcomes through innovative partnerships, digital transformation, and collaborative leadership, she is passionate about supporting the cultural shift towards a more just, equitable, sustainable, and inclusive world.

Where does the name 3rd-angle come from?

3rd angle projection is a method used in technical drawing to represent all sides of a 3D object as a single view. The technique requires understanding the form of the object from multiple perspectives and systematically creating a big-picture image that is simple to understand.